Wednesday, September 28, 2016
I absolutely love, love loved getting to write the next
installment of the FOREVER FINLEY series. Halloween is my favorite
holiday of all time (this dates me a bit, but my favorite costume of all
time was when I was Cyndi Lauper in the first grade).
"October Omen" throws a new major obstacle into the reunion of Amos and his sweetheart, Finley. It also offers up a few spine-tingling moments for Kelly, the wedding planner and dress designer we first met in "Forget February":
Forever Finley Short Story #11: Superstitions float around us constantly. We choose to believe or discount them based on where our hearts happen to be at that particular moment.
Kelly Marx, Finley’s premiere wedding planner and dress designer, is on a mission to get access to a Civil War-era shawl for Natalie, the latest bride to hire her. But Mary, the elderly owner of the shawl, isn’t the only force to come between Kelly and her goal. When the shawl goes missing, Kelly also encounters mysterious characters and a slew of bad omens—but what does it all add up to? What does it foretell? Where will Kelly’s skeptical heart lead her?
"October Omen" is available on:
As a bonus, you can shoot me a link to any review you post of "October Omen"--at your blog, Goodreads, Amazon, etc.--and you'll be entered to win a copy of ONE FATEFUL CHRISTMAS EVE, my soon-to-release holiday novella.You can email your links to: hollyschindlerbooks (at) gmail (dot) com.
Happy reading!
"October Omen" throws a new major obstacle into the reunion of Amos and his sweetheart, Finley. It also offers up a few spine-tingling moments for Kelly, the wedding planner and dress designer we first met in "Forget February":
Forever Finley Short Story #11: Superstitions float around us constantly. We choose to believe or discount them based on where our hearts happen to be at that particular moment.
Kelly Marx, Finley’s premiere wedding planner and dress designer, is on a mission to get access to a Civil War-era shawl for Natalie, the latest bride to hire her. But Mary, the elderly owner of the shawl, isn’t the only force to come between Kelly and her goal. When the shawl goes missing, Kelly also encounters mysterious characters and a slew of bad omens—but what does it all add up to? What does it foretell? Where will Kelly’s skeptical heart lead her?
"October Omen" is available on:
As a bonus, you can shoot me a link to any review you post of "October Omen"--at your blog, Goodreads, Amazon, etc.--and you'll be entered to win a copy of ONE FATEFUL CHRISTMAS EVE, my soon-to-release holiday novella.You can email your links to: hollyschindlerbooks (at) gmail (dot) com.
Happy reading!
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
I'm delighted to reveal the cover for my forthcoming holiday novella ONE FATEFUL CHRISTMAS EVE:
Sign up for my newsletter at to be notified of the official release!
Sign up for my newsletter at to be notified of the official release!
Monday, September 26, 2016
Thursday, September 22, 2016
SPARK features two characters who have obvious "flaws": one has a birthmark, another a stutter.
This topic lends itself to great high school class discussion...
We all have things about
ourselves that we wish we could change. (If
only, we all think, I were prettier,
taller. Or, I wish I could make my
nose smaller, get rid of the scar on my chin, not have such frizzy hair, clear
up my skin…) If your fantasy could be granted, and what you perceive to be your
biggest flaw was magically erased, how would it change you? Would you behave
differently? Would you finally talk to your crush, go out for the lead in the
play? Would you step into the spotlight? Would you finally be brave enough to
make your mark?
Students can discuss the depiction of the external in SPARK--this includes costumes that appear throughout. They can also discuss the external vs. internal lives of the characters--and even of themselves. After all, sometimes, the best way to connect and interact with a book is by seeing connections between the text and the "real world."
Children are always being told the inside of a person is the most important part--and it is! But what are the barriers to getting to view a person's interior? How do our own opinions of our exterior, our perceptions of our own "flaws" keep people from seeing our own insides?
Are you a teacher using SPARK in your classroom? Contact me at hollyschindlerbooks (at) gmail (dot) com for a Skype.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
My MG, THE JUNCTION OF SUNSHINE AND LUCKY, is brimming with opportunities to introduce your class to figurative / descriptive language. Auggie, the main character, becomes a folk artist, making sculptures out of "upcycled" materials. In order to do that, she can't see the world in a literal way--she sees a rusted pipe and thinks, "ballerina." Her ability to see the world in a poetic way is a big part of the reason why I felt her voice ought to be filled with metaphor and simile throughout--it only made sense that her poetic vision should be apparent even in the line-by-line descriptions.
I've made a small graphic including some of my favorite descriptive / figurative phrases from the book. Feel free to grab the graphic and use it in your own classroom:
I've also begun to create some boards on Pinterest featuring ideas for using my books in the classroom--and I'd love to get teachers involved! If you've used / are using THE JUNCTION in the classroom, and would like to take part in a collaborative board where we all share ideas on how to incorporate the book into classrooms or introduce the work to young readers, email hollyschindlerbooks (at) gmail (dot) com. You can also leave a comment at the board, if you'd prefer.
I've made a small graphic including some of my favorite descriptive / figurative phrases from the book. Feel free to grab the graphic and use it in your own classroom:
I've also begun to create some boards on Pinterest featuring ideas for using my books in the classroom--and I'd love to get teachers involved! If you've used / are using THE JUNCTION in the classroom, and would like to take part in a collaborative board where we all share ideas on how to incorporate the book into classrooms or introduce the work to young readers, email hollyschindlerbooks (at) gmail (dot) com. You can also leave a comment at the board, if you'd prefer.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Regardless of the genre or age category, my work tends to run on something of the lyrical side. I frequently use metaphor in my descriptions.
But my latest YA, SPARK, takes metaphor to a new level. Instead of using the device in order to flesh out description, I use it in the plot, as a way to drive events.
About SPARK:

But my latest YA, SPARK, takes metaphor to a new level. Instead of using the device in order to flesh out description, I use it in the plot, as a way to drive events.
About SPARK:
Acclaimed author Holly Schindler writes a
compelling contemporary tale with a dash of magic. The theater comes to
life in this story of family ties, fate, love, and one girl’s quest to
rewrite history.
The local Avery Theater was just a run-down building to Quin—until her mother told her about the tragic love that played out on the theater’s stage many years ago. Quin is convinced it’s the perfect story to re-create for her drama class. And when she does, the Avery begins to magically regain its former splendor, clearly setting the stage for her classmates Dylan and Cass to relive the romance from a time before. Quin can see the spark between them, but it’s up to her to make sure her friends—and the Avery—can both be saved this time around.
The local Avery Theater was just a run-down building to Quin—until her mother told her about the tragic love that played out on the theater’s stage many years ago. Quin is convinced it’s the perfect story to re-create for her drama class. And when she does, the Avery begins to magically regain its former splendor, clearly setting the stage for her classmates Dylan and Cass to relive the romance from a time before. Quin can see the spark between them, but it’s up to her to make sure her friends—and the Avery—can both be saved this time around.

Ultimately, SPARK also asks readers to determine for
themselves what actually transpired: readers can debate, in class, whether they
believe the magical events of the book are to be taken literally, or are to be
read on a more metaphorical level, as the work of the protagonist’s “writerly imagination” (and have only
played out in the theater of young Quin’s mind). Did the Avery Theater magically regenerate? Did Quin's friends get a chance to see themselves without their flaws? Or has everything that has transpired on the pages actually a metaphor for the power of the theater? The way the theater allows us all to escape--whether we're in the audience or onstage?
Maybe the best widely-known example of using metaphor to shape the plot is FIELD OF DREAMS (one of my all-time favorite movies): Did those magical events really happen? Did Ray Kinsella actually plow up his corn, allow the spirits of historic ball players another chance to enjoy the game?
Or is the entire storyline a metaphor for a man trying to mend the fractured relationship with his father?
SPARK can open your students' minds to thinking about metaphor in a new way--as something that not only fleshes out line-by-line writing, allows a reader to see a character or setting in vivid detail, but as a device that can also help shape the events of the book as a whole.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Last winter, I offered "Come December" as a holiday story to my readers. And I was truly surprised by the results; the story hit the e-readers, tablets, and computers of readers who had never picked up one of my books before. Readers were also taking time out of their busy holidays to shoot me emails, tell me how much they enjoyed the short tale.
The response was so positive, in fact, that I decided to continue the story--the FOREVER FINLEY SHORT STORY SERIES was born.
The series has released once a month throughout 2016; each is a stand-alone, and each takes place in the small town of Finley. Read alone, each story creates on picture; read together, the stories create a completely different portrait of the magical town.
More on the Forever Finley series:
I've been so thankful to my readers, who have followed along with the series all year. And who have reviewed and recommended the stories to other reading friends.
To show my appreciation, I'm offering a giveaway: 1 winner will receive a free e-book of this year's holiday tale (tentatively titled ONE FATEFUL CHRISTMAS EVE). This year, it's a novella, not a short story.
I'll be releasing more information on the forthcoming novella in the weeks to come. For now, all you have to do is share the review you've written for "Song for September," the latest Forever Finley story. The review can appear anywhere--a blog, Goodreads, B&N, Amazon, etc. Enter in the link to your "Song for September" review in the form below. Having trouble with the form? Just email a link to your review to hollyschindlerbooks (at) gmail (dot) com.
"Song for September" can be found on:
iBooks, Kobo, B&N
The response was so positive, in fact, that I decided to continue the story--the FOREVER FINLEY SHORT STORY SERIES was born.
The series has released once a month throughout 2016; each is a stand-alone, and each takes place in the small town of Finley. Read alone, each story creates on picture; read together, the stories create a completely different portrait of the magical town.
More on the Forever Finley series:
I've been so thankful to my readers, who have followed along with the series all year. And who have reviewed and recommended the stories to other reading friends.
To show my appreciation, I'm offering a giveaway: 1 winner will receive a free e-book of this year's holiday tale (tentatively titled ONE FATEFUL CHRISTMAS EVE). This year, it's a novella, not a short story.
I'll be releasing more information on the forthcoming novella in the weeks to come. For now, all you have to do is share the review you've written for "Song for September," the latest Forever Finley story. The review can appear anywhere--a blog, Goodreads, B&N, Amazon, etc. Enter in the link to your "Song for September" review in the form below. Having trouble with the form? Just email a link to your review to hollyschindlerbooks (at) gmail (dot) com.
"Song for September" can be found on:
iBooks, Kobo, B&N
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

stir his students' imagination.
I met Mr. Dosch last year, when his class wrote letters to Auggie, the main character of THE JUNCTION OF SUNSHINE AND LUCKY. (Of course Auggie wrote them back!)
This year, he got his reading class off to a running start with my latest release, WORDQUAKE.
I wrote WORDQUAKE thinking of the "kinda-sorta" readers; the book features the misadventures of Izzy Ashby, a girl who'd rather be anywhere but the library.
To encourage both close and creative thinking, Mr. Dosch posed two questions to his class:
1. Izzy accidentally removes all the words from her school, making it impossible to do any bookwork. Shortly thereafter, the Izzy Ashby Fan Club is formed, and is said to have 100% membership. Dosch asked his class if they think this is a true 100%, considering the fact that Alexander Gum (a fourth grade scientist / inventor and the only person in all of Eastwood Elementary with working knowledge of wordquakes) loves his reading so much. Did Alexander join? Why would he? Or do you think that the membership of the fan club was 99.9%? Why?
2. Before reading the last chapter, Mr. Dosch asked his class to imagine how the book would end. Would Izzy save the day? How?
Mr. Dosch's class at work. |
Thanks, Mr. Dosch's 4th grade! I'm so glad I got to be a part of your new school year. Keep up the great work!
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