Friday, August 14, 2009


Bunch of area schools are back in session as of this week…No matter how much time separates me from that last commencement ceremony, I always think of late August (rather than January) as the beginning of a new year.

There’s just something about a blank composition notebook, a freshly sharpened #2, a perfect pink eraser that hasn't touched a single mistake…always makes me feel all-over tingly and a little out of breath, like a new adventure is about to unfold…

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I know what what you mean about the new year. Some of us, myself included, are just back-to-school crazy when it comes to shopping for supplies. Being in university though, it's not so much the sharpened pencils and getting colourful pencils =(, but more about making sure I have printing paper to last the year, many notebooks, and a good laptop to type notes in class like I'm competing in class for the fullest set of notes.

    Well, each new year is a little different from the last one I guess. Happy new year! =)


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