Thursday, May 31, 2012
There just aren't enough exclamation points in the world for this one: my next YA novel is on the way!
That's FERAL, forthcoming from HarperCollins...Commence screaming with excitement...
That's FERAL, forthcoming from HarperCollins...Commence screaming with excitement...
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
I've got big news, guys. Big. Huge. Enormous. It's especially great news for all of my YA fans. It's such great news, in fact, that I'm going to need your help spreading the word.
So...before I get into the nitty-gritty of what this news is, specifically, I need you to get on my mailing list. Seriously. You need to click here and sign up, so you'll be sure to get the 4-1-1 on this incredible, incredible turn of events. So you'll be able to be part of this fantastic announcement. And believe me, you do not want to miss out. Click that link. Sign up.
Big news is coming.
So...before I get into the nitty-gritty of what this news is, specifically, I need you to get on my mailing list. Seriously. You need to click here and sign up, so you'll be sure to get the 4-1-1 on this incredible, incredible turn of events. So you'll be able to be part of this fantastic announcement. And believe me, you do not want to miss out. Click that link. Sign up.
Big news is coming.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
A new vlog interview's just gone live for this month's YA Saves! Hosted by both Patricia's Particularity and The Busy Bibliophile, the series has featured authors and books that tackle the tough topic of mental health / mental illness. My own interview recently went live; be sure to head on over to The Busy Bibliophile to enter to win a signed copy of A BLUE SO DARK!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
One of my junior high friends was over at the house one day when ROMANCING THE STONE came on cable. You remember how it starts, right? With Kathleen Turner wrapping up her latest novel, bawling over her own lines as she types? My friend started laughing; she elbowed me and said, "That's going to be you someday!"
Truer words have never been spoken. This is what I've looked like this week, as I hammered out my latest book:
Thursday, May 17, 2012
I love this week's Follow Friday question! At which vacation spot would I most like to catch up on all my reading? The Lake of the Woods fishing resort, of course! (After all, I invented the resort; it's the fictional location where Chelsea meets her love interest, Clint, in my second book, PLAYING HURT. If I came up with it, it must be my dream vacation spot, right?)
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
I wasn’t really sure what to make of Tumblr, at first…But
after starting my own blog on Tumblr last week, I’ve quickly become obsessed with the
site. While I still absolutely love getting a chance to
share longer posts here at my author blog, there's just something so incredibly challenging about keeping it short and sweet on sites like Tumblr (cutting out all the fat can be a real struggle for anyone who's a novelist at heart)! There’s also something fascinating
about how such quick, blurb-like posts have a way (over time) of painting a picture of the
blogger. One of my favorite features of Tumblr, though, is the way Q & A with another blogger can become a post in and of itself (as opposed to being a stream of comments at the end of a post):
How about you? What’s
the best—most fun or most useful—social networking site you’ve taken part in lately?
Monday, May 14, 2012
Full-time writing is not a leisurely occupation. It's in no way a job that allows a person to
simply wait around for inspiration to float by, so they can casually scrawl a few lines on a
page, toss it their agent's way and instantly start racking up royalties. Writing is the toughest gig out there—and once you begin, you’d better
be prepared to work more weekly hours than a cardiologist.
That having been said, any workaholic still has to have some
sort of downtime. One of the things I’m
doing now in my off-hours is helping my brother, John, who has taken the full-time
plunge into working for himself, selling antiques, collectibles and other vintage goodies online as Wisdom Lane Antiques.
It’s a joy to accompany him on buying trips (he’s been my
own personal photog these past few years, attending all my author events
to take pics or video, and it's nice to be able to help him out a bit). In addition to offering my brother a second set of eyes while shopping, I also get a chance to change up my own writing scenery: I put my NEO in the car
(like any good workaholic) and always manage to score a cool new writing spot—under big trees at farm
auctions or in the front yards of estate sales.
I've long had my own love of anything vintage—and have a
fairly sprawling collection of antique costume jewelry to show for it. For years, I've been deconstructing out-of-fashion necklaces, bracelets, etc. (nothing signed or valuable, don't worry), and rearranging the antique pieces in a more contemporary way. I’ve been wearing my own reinvented necklaces
and bracelets for years, and have a few for sale now, at my brother’s Etsy
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Click to view on John's Etsy Shop |
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Click to view on John's Etsy Shop |
You can even now buy the necklace I’m wearing in my author
photo here at the blog:
Click to view on John's Etsy Shop |
Head on over and check them out. You can also follow my brother on Twitter:
@Wisdom_Lane. Tell him I sent you!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
You might expect me to cringe at the idea of my
books hitting a used bookstore. When copies move from the shelves of second-hand stores, I won’t see a dime, after all.
You might even expect me to cringe a bit at the idea of my
books being housed in a library, where a single copy can be checked out and
read until the book falls apart completely.
Again, all those reads, and the only money I’ll see comes from the
purchase of one copy.
But in all honesty, I love knowing that my books are being
sold second-hand. And librarians—sure, I
appreciated librarians before my books released. Now?
Librarians have a special place in my heart. (Especially my own local librarian, Sarah of
Here’s the deal: times are hard. And I mean, hard. (Newscasters can tell me all they want that
the recession is over, or improving.
When I look out my window, at Southwest Missouri,
I just don’t see much—if any—evidence of that.)
And novels aren’t exactly the cheapest things in the world—especially
when you’re an absolute book junkie, and the written word is your drug of
choice. Think about it: buy one hardback
($20) book a week, and you’ve spent over a thousand dollars in a year. And most readers I know consume far more than
one book a week.
Readers have to be choosy about what they actually
purchase. And a new or emerging author
is usually not going to make the cut.
Enter second-hand stores and libraries, which provide a cheap (or free) opportunity for readers to become acquainted with my work. Enter booksellers and librarians, who have
fallen in love with my books and recommended them to readers, who have in turn
picked up copies and become fans as well.
I’ve actually heard from fans who discovered my books
in their local libraries—and then wound up loving my work enough to blog about it. Some who discovered my books in libraries later ordered copies of their
own for their personal bookcases or to give to friends. A few readers have used my books for English assignments, and have given my books to teachers, who then made their own recommendations. I've even heard from bloggers who stumbled upon my books, then purchased copies so that they could host giveaways on their blogs. Now, that is incredible. All of that word-of-mouth activity, and to a great extent, it originates with someone picking my book up off the shelf of a library or a second-hand store.
As writers, that's ultimately what we're out to establish—a readership who already knows us, who recommends us to friends and followers, wants to invest in us when our latest books release. And that’s what second-hand stores and libraries provide—a way to establish our readership.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
I’m a regular at the bi-annual Friends of the Library Book
Sale…I usually go more than once during the week-long event, as the books that
fill an entire warehouse of tables are constantly changing (volunteers actually
continue to unload eighteen wheelers of books as the week progresses). I always make it a point, too, to visit bag
day, which I think is safe to say is everyone’s
favorite day of the sale. For a buck
(or five, if you’re in the better books section, which I usually am), you can
grab up an entire paper grocery bag of reads.
I can’t tell you how many authors I’ve discovered at these
sales. And I’m not the only one. On bag day, the line starts forming at least
an hour before the doors open. And when
shoppers are finally let inside? It’s a
bit like Black Friday, actually.
This year, I was in the throngs when the doors opened on bag
day, and the children’s books had disappeared completely by the time I actually
got inside. As had the vast majority of
the antique volumes. I’m not
exaggerating—just in the time it took me to walk inside, those sections were all
but cleaned out. And while this sale
does present an opportunity to grab up some books that might have some value,
most people really do honestly appear to be after new reads. Most are stocking up on their entertainment
of choice—a good thick book.
I wasn’t surprised to learn that this spring’s book sale had
clobbered their previous record, bringing in more than $121,000.
I can’t tell you how much I love knowing that so many people
love their books as much as I do. Reading is in no way
dead—is in no way even in jeopardy, judging by this year’s FOL Book Sale.
Kudos, fellow Springfieldians—kudos!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Throughout May, we're celebrating mothers (and parental figures in general) at both of my group author blogs: YA Outside the Lines and Smack Dab in the Middle...So, in honor of all things Mother’s Day, I’ve decided to share the mother of all plans. Yes, oh, yes, I had it all worked out. I was twelve, and it was the summer before
junior high, and this was it—this was going to be the moment in which I won Mom
over, got her to see things from my (admittedly, completely blurry) point of
First, a bit of backstory:
I was nine years old when the worst, most tragic event of
all time came crashing down upon my slender little third-grader shoulders.
I could no longer read the chalkboard.
It happened suddenly, actually—I came back from spring break
to find that my desk had been moved by well-meaning floor-sweeping janitors
from the front row to the back. And the
daily handwriting assignment, which our teacher put up on the board for us to
copy each morning, was a complete and total blur. I couldn’t see. Period.
My first glasses were fairly strong (for 20/200
vision). And—I hated them. Talking hate here. Hate. The fact that it was 1986 didn’t help,
either. Remember glasses of the
‘80’s? The enormity! The hideousness! Uuuugh!
And it officially began: the battle with my mom for
I didn’t just want contacts.
I lusted after them, especially as my eyes grew progressively
worse. By the time I was headed for
junior high, my prescription was creeping up toward a -5.00 (20/500 vision),
and there was no way I could just take my glasses off at that point and navigate
the majority of my days without them, haul them out of a backpack pocket to
read the board once I got to class. Not
if I didn’t want to start having long, heated conversations with hallway water
fountains, anyway.
So, the summer before seventh grade, I came up with my
infinitely brilliant plan: I would get
the ugliest pair of 1980’s glasses I
could find. I mean, ugly. Proof:
I just knew what would happen: when we picked up the
glasses, and Mom saw how awful I looked, her eyes would widen in sheer
horror. She’d insist we exchange the
glasses for contacts, immediately, if
not sooner.
Yeah. Didn’t
work. As my seventh grade picture up
there reveals.
Sure, I did get my contacts—the summer before high school, actually. And I wore them until I gleefully pitched the
lenses and all the unending vials of cleaning solution in the trash shortly
after my thirtieth birthday. In the end,
the things that are important to us as teens are never the things that are important
to us as adults. This Mother’s Day, as
my own mom and I laugh at this—and other—horribly failed grand schemes, I’ll
also be remembering that my teen characters should always have plans of their
own that are obviously doomed, that provide a bit of comic relief, and that
show them stumbling and learning and laughing all along their life’s
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