Angela at Reading Angel gave the book five butterflies, explaining:
“Such a lyrically beautiful book. You know how sometimes you’ll find a sentence that just speaks to you, and you want to write it down somewhere so you don't forget? Well, almost the entire book was that sentence for me. Holly Schindler just has a way with words, that draws you right into the story and won’t let you go until you’ve devoured every last word…I really felt like I was living Aura’s life with her. I wanted to scream and cry and rant as each event would come to pass.”
And Elie at Ellz Reads summed up the book with these powerful words:

“However it is more that just a story of a family struggling with sickness, the story goes deeper that that. A Blue So Dark is a journey in relationships with others and ones self, it is a story of love and loss, and of self discovery. I would recommend this book to readers of all ages. It is a profound story that will leave you thinking.”
The book sounds wonderful! Congrats on the great reviews! :)