Thursday, March 19, 2015


FIFTH AVENUE FIDOS breaks cover rules. It's a romance, but Mable and Jason aren't embracing. The picture is oriented horizontally rather than vertically.

Were these choices made intentionally? Yes. Why? In part, because, as an indie author, I've got room to play. And, in part, because FIDOS as a novel breaks so many rules, too. I felt it deserved a cover that breaks the rules...

I drafted this book before New Adult was a category. FAF was on sub a few times; initially, editors said that the book was well done—a couple flat-out said, “This needs to be published,” but also indicated they didn’t know what to do with it. Wasn’t YA, wasn’t adult. One editor used the phrase “neither fish nor fowl.” But even after New Adult became a well-read age category, FAF was continuing to break the mold: This is a sweet comedy—not overtly sexy, no graphic erotica, not about college life…Editors were hanging onto it, trying to find a place for it, and were unsuccessful. But that’s what makes FAF perfect for the indie platform. There are just books that don’t fit the traditional publishing agenda—and that’s where indie comes into play. Independently published no longer means “inferior.” There are just certain works that are better suited for the independent world. FAF is one of those books.

FIFTH AVENUE FIDOS officially releases March 20. You can place your order through Amazon and Kobo (the B&N link will go live on the 20th).

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