Hey, guys—wanted to let you all know about a great new blog…Alyssa over at Readers Unite / Book By Book Summer is going to take part in the PLAYING HURT Blog Tour, and I really love her reviews, especially her recent reviews of Blume's FOREVER and the “Anonymous” classic, GO ASK ALICE. I always wonder how the reads from my own teen days stand up today…and Alyssa gives us some no-holds-barred insights!
A few words from Alyssa, about herself and what you can expect from her blog:
I'm sure you've heard this hundreds of times but honestly, what else can I say? I'm just another reader who loves to lose herself in the world of great scenery, adventure, strong heroines, and yeah - hot guys. I'll read anything from adventure to historical fiction, with paranormal and general fiction, fantasy and thrillers everywhere in between. When I'm not reading, I'm experimenting with my writing talents myself or watching old 80s horror flicks. (But because those make me so crazy, as in "don't-go-to-sleep-without-the-lights-on" crazy, I like to stick to paper and the words that end up on them.)
Head on over to Readers Unite, and give Alyssa and big ol’ welcome hug…Or become a follower, as I have…
And stay tuned for tomorrow’s interview with the super-cool Crissa-Jean Chappell!
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